Saturday 18 February 2012


February 13 was the first time that I edited the wikipedia website.. At first, I thought it was very complicated and a lot of skill was needed to edit the website.. But I found out that it was actually a simple task to do so.. Now each time, I use the wikipedia website, I will remember that I have contributed something as well as people are reading what I have contributed.. =)

For my next challenge, it is to create a personal online cv website

Saturday 4 February 2012

Top 10 Language

While i was surfing the net, I stumbled upon a random website that shows the "top 10 most spoken language" and clicked on it.  Below are the result of the top 10 spoken language based on that website:



8) Russian

7) Portuguese

6) Bengali

5) Arabic

4) Hindi - Urdu

3) English

2) Spanish

1) Mandarin

Now, this is based on an unofficial website but what got my attention is that English is not in the Top 1.. I used to think that English is the top language used in the world followed by Mandarin.. What influence the use of language? Is it the population? The politics? The development of the country? The interest of the person? Easy communication?
At the moment, the question I ask myself is whether English or Mandarin is used more and if Mandarin is used more, will it have the same impact as the usage of English??

That's something remain to be seen...